
Friday, 25 November 2016

NDM #21: Net earnings - Top YouTubers' income rises 23% in past year

Forbes as recently updated the ranking of the 12 biggest YouTubers on the platform who collectively earn in the approximation of £55 million which is an increase of 23% from last years results. The success of the platform has had mainstream brands cornering these content creators for exclusive sponsorship deals in return for videos about their products. A mixture of industries have been in the play with deals that include: book publishing (very wide selection of creators), film deals and even modelling careers with brands like L’Oréal.

The most successful YouTuber by the name of Fleix Arvid Ulf Kjellberg who goes by the character name 'Pewdiepie'  currently holds 50 million subscribers and over 11 billion total views with an estimated annual salary of £227.5K - £3.6M.
While some Youtubers scream at the top of their voice and create fake personas catered for the Google algorithm, others take on serious worldwide topics such as the controversy surrounding LGBT, the freedom of speech and the lives of these communities. Tyler Oakey, a popular diary style content creator with 8 million subscribers had the opportunity to meet President Barack Obama in March 2014 which reflects on the authority that a YouTuber ultimately carries if they attempt to make a change with their ideologies.

The stand-point of this industry is that it is a bigger platform than TV so the future of money making for young entrepreneurs, risk-takers and filmmakers is strong. YouTube is already being brand integrated in the same way that Netflix has content where mainstream blockbusters can be rented for a small price.
The financial side demonstrates a bigger pay-check than traditional pathways offer so it's no mistake for people to eventually build an audience through Google.

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