
Friday, 25 November 2016

NDM #22: How a Polish advert out-Christmased John Lewis's bouncing badger

Allegro "English" / 'What are you looking for at Christmas?' is a short film produced by Bardzo, a Polish marketing agency which created a heart-warming story for the Polish auction site, Allegro, which is essentially Poland's version of eBay. Allegro has recognised that John Lewis has been successful at pushing sales at this seasonal time and took its own approach which is a very realistic representation of Poland today. The tradional look of the house and the smart outfit worn by the man is how older people in Poland actually look like. The culture would of course be perfect as the agency is located there and knows its country's origins but it brings in nostalgic moments for me so that's why I'd partly want to over-analyse this film.

This short film aims at an adult demographic since it is shot digitally and focuses on a senior protagonist which is abnormal in the genre of Christmas adverts since nearly all that have been produced in the UK have been animated, present a animal lead role or have a children appeal to them (which respectively a great chunk of what made the viral impact). In my opinion, I think it is a great strategy to take by the company as their objective is to generate online sales so anything that can make audiences think of their grandchildren, grandparents or children is expected to make sales. I personally believe that telling stories such as this one is the future of advertising, not just in the UK but worldwide. No matter how big or small a brand may be, the access to the internet and development of technology gives them no excuse to create video content at little to non cost. 

  1. John Lewis Christmas Advert 2016 - #BusterTheBoxer (21m views as of Dec 2016)
  2. Sainsbury's OFFICIAL Christmas advert 2016 -The Greatest Gift (13m views as of Dec 2016)
  3. Come Together – directed by Wes Anderson starring Adrien Brody – H&M (7.5m views as of Dec 2016)
  4. Allegro "ENGLISH" (7.1m views as of Dec 2016)

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