The article discusses the issues faced in the monetisation of online content such as online-newspapers and generally business which as solely online based. The internet has been a free resource for people around the world with the only fee being the cost of the internet service provider which means that hosted websites and businesses suffer from no further support by the public. To put into context, it is the same as the BBC without the TV licence because without public support, the broadcaster wouldn't be able to survive. This is slowly applying to the internet since the use of ad-placement and sponsors is not a liable income especially for small businesses who don't have a large traffic source.
Furthermore, companies such as Ad-Block have made it even more difficult for both colossal and small operations to fully utilise their respected ad revenue since the decrease in CPM (Cost per mile, Cost per thousand impressions) is ever so increasing, it means that less marketing agencies will choose to advertise on online platforms and rather stick to traditional physical marketing.
The Guardian met with a few top digital advertising representatives to discuss the future of online advertising technology and some of the problems faced right now. One speaker quoted about the internet: “There is no reason why it should be free.”
The board discussed how Facebook uses user data to reach content more effectively to users and how computer algorithms can decide which advertisements to target.
Overall, this meeting will not have any impact on the internet since it is not run by 1 company who can target users but is in fact a web of services which connect together and there is currently no legality on the internet making any money.
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