
Thursday, 16 June 2016

Social Media and Surveillance - MM52 (Page 13)

Article Summary:
The article discusses the dangers of internet surveillance across the world and the consequences of doing so with both adults and children. Also, the article discusses the ways in which institutions use their users information to profit off them and sell it to 3rd party companies. They can use specially designed algorithms to target their user-base that's based on the content they 'like' and browse daily. Advertisers can take advantage of this and sell more products. Furthermore, the government may choose to spy on individuals and take away personal privacy.

Show your critical autonomy: are you bothered by people tracking your online movements? Is it a small price to pay for the benefits of a life online?

Overall, as a user I do not pay attention about basic privacy such as email address and full name. I understand that data needs to be collected from providers but unless crucial data is taken from me, then I don't really care about where it goes. If advertisers use basic data to target advertisements at me then I don't have a problem with that but if an 
institution sells my personal data to 3rd parties then I am more aware since they can use this information for negative things such as fraud.

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